Public speaking (presentation skills)

Speaking in public is the 3rd biggest fear of human beings just after death and serious diseases. The goal of this training program is to develop the presentation skills of participants, to help them better structure their presentations, to develop their self-confidence, to provide them with pragmatic animation tools allowing them to better get their message across, to develop their ability to handle objections and to feel comfortable handling interruptions. The didactical approach of this training consists in interactive theory and in an intensive training approach in which the participants have the opportunity to repeat and repeat again until they reach their objectives. Learning by doing is by far the most efficient approach for this kind of training, the best way to proceed is to ask the participants to come with presentations or speeches that they have to use in their professional environment, we cut them into sections of 5 to 10 minutes, we practice, we record and we proceed to a 5 minutes debriefing, this brings a lot of dynamism within the group and it allows the participants to benefit from their colleagues’ performances.

Duration: 2 to 4 days
Number of participants: 4 to 6 per group


Main topics of the program

  • The presentation supports.
  • The conference room set up’s.
  • Our preparation.
  • The introduction phase.
  • Posture & gesture.
  • Mastering our voice.
  • The animation techniques.
  • Dealing with objections and perturbations.
  • The conclusion phase.
  • Training through practice.
  • Video debriefing.
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