Time management

The notion of time management contains a mistake in itself, indeed, we cannot technically manage time, we can only manage our approach within time. The format of this program consists of an analysis of our relationship with time, a introspection about our life objectives, a reflection about the laws and diseases of time, the detection of our time stealers and constraining messages, the search of personal solutions, the development of planning and personal organization principles. In time management there is no miracle, a good management of our relationship with time passes by a clear understanding of our life structure, by putting in place rules and principles adapted to our personal situation with a certain rigor. We would like to underline that this type of training action can lead to a personal awareness which can make some participants realize that there is a major divergence between their personal life objectives and their day to day activities. This can some times lead to radical change.

Duration: 1 to 2 days
Number of participants: 6 to 12 per group


Main topics of the program

  • Our relationship with time.
  • Our life objectives.
  • The laws of time.
  • The time management diseases.
  • The drivers.
  • The time eaters.
  • Defining concrete objectives.
  • How to save time through our organization.
  • Treating information.
  • Our constraining messages.
  • Managing our agenda.
  • Planning principles.
  • Managing priorities.
  • How to say NO in a constructive way.
  • Principles of delegation.
  • Working under pressure.
  • Dealing with interruptions.
  • Managing e-mails efficiently.
  • Managing meetings.
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